DailyPost 1079
Though such paradoxes are limitless today, sorting out most of the paradoxes may take a few lifetimes, if it is not made a mandatory part of school and college curriculums and family life. The Guru Shishya system is in shambles and so is the parenting mechanism which was so deeply entrenched in the Indian social system doing yeomen service in creating a responsible GenNext. The Guru knew every movement of the student and access to every piece of knowledge was through him. Curated, collated, calibrated. The parents in the physical age knew about the movement of the child, more so with whom he or she interacted, for how long and where and the activity involved. All got dissolved at one go with the onset of the full digital age.
Two / three years old getting addicted to screens / smartphones is the ultimate travesty of our times and parents not finding anything amiss is a bigger and a messier tragedy. The kid talks to the cartoons seamlessly in many a cases. Human social interaction can best be taught by human beings and the primary responsibility for this noble act goes to the parents. The sheer helplessness on the face of the parents speaks it all, an ongoing friction in family after family. It is a society in throes.
It has been of our making. Before the onset of the full digital made that is of full bloom gaming and social media, parents had decided to put the kids on the comfortable mode. It started with video games parlours of our younger days. Tension free academic life and childhood was what parents got baptised into. Child can decide all is another all pervasive mantra. Having coming from hardship, so to say, they wanted give their kids a comfortable life, trying to believe that they are shaping a better future.
The Full Digital Age sapped all the umbilical cords of yesterday. What kids have access to right in front of your eyes is unknown. The whole world is for a calling. The risk is huge, unaware parents are not able to fathom out. There is nobody to listen. Then the added addiction. Added to that the copying culture in a different avatar. Cut – Copy – Paste. Social media puts language on a premium. Parents and kids are committed to good quality of life mantra. Automation is banging at our doors.
Sanjay Sahay