DailyPost 511
The collection, collation, collaboration, analysis and finally the intelligence created in data decides our fate, fate of the enterprise, investigative & vigilance and intelligence agencies. With documents, movements and various nefarious activities all becoming data, what is the way out! Data has become the best & the most critical asset is a reality, we have to accept, vigilance being no different.
Getting a single piece of information and getting into a vigilance enquiry on the 20th century mode is going to take us nowhere. Physically trying to put the story together & take consequential action, on information totally available on the digital mode is an uphill task. What is the quantum and nature of data being used by the vigilance agencies or is made available to them, decides the fate of the biggest white crime criminals in the country and beyond is the challenge we are faced with. Data is used for business intelligence, what about vigilance?
The nature of vigilance required has to be decided; regulator & the enterprises & what the vigilance departments are to deliver. This has to be a commonly accepted legal document. Based on it, the protocols have to be developed. These protocols have to be supported by requisite data flow enabling the vigilance to locate the needle& then take it through to its logical conclusion, through a complex data driven process. Data substantiation. Data is evidence.
The domain experts will guide on process, aberrations &compliances. The vigilance & investigative agencies will synthesise their expertise at this point and beyond. The data analysis end to end has to be handled by professionals, who know to handle and analyse data the best. They are the big data experts & data scientists. Vigilance is a complex game today; the mechanism & effective technology has to reflect this change. Indian & global used cases will help. It has to be dynamic, real time & evolving to bring to book the ever smart crooks.
Sanjay Sahay