DailyPost 770


We all thought the glass & chrome buildings with central air conditioning, facilities like transport, canteen & gym, all types of travel & medical benefits & timely increments would create a an excellent working atmosphere. The race to become the best employer / happy employer was likely value add, that was to completely transform the workplace. Objective appraisal of performance was the intended to be the final certification of happy, contented workforce in a super congenial milieu.

What was to be achieve in the process to take strain, stress & tension out of the work process. It is the major ingredient of the work flow in any organization, conspicuous by it’s absence in any documentation. Did it happen? Might be there is some movement in that direction but hopes, aspirations and comfort levels have also soared. The general refrain of the employee is that he overworked & underpaid. Every single employee can write a full fledged White Paper on the Stress & Strain the Workplace generates for him. We hear of many stories of the rather poor work environment.

The fact of the matter is that every organization end to end is a human organization. Humans and human enterprises run on understanding. How much does the management understand the employees, the boss his subordinate, the team leader his team, his system with all the line & staff function linkages and at the end of it all, his job description, responsibilities and delivery. How comfortable is he in doing it? How frictionless is the above-mentioned scenario? The meaningless employee satisfaction forms don’t matter much. Does the camaraderie and mechanisms in the organization throw some social security / comfort net?

Responsibility sharing mechanism, with utmost objectivity is at the core of the organization’s stress free functioning. Not taking responsibility and giving additional responsibility is the biggest friction point. Sometimes, the job description itself is too loaded against the employee, rationalization is not the name of the game. Transparency can do wonders.


Sanjay Sahay

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