DailyPost 2479
Police has the powers to register criminal cases on its own, once they receive / get to know of an offence being committed in their respective jurisdiction. How often criminal law is set in motion, in this manner, I would leave it to the reader’s imagination. Of the cases that go unregistered a large number comes to the knowledge of the Police, but goes unregistered. In the normal scheme of things cases get registered normally when somebody comes and complains. The effective use of suo motto powers is inversely proportional to the outcry we see in couple of very well-known cases.
In a day and age when artificial intelligence is defining literally anything and everything, why not use it for a more effective and accountable use of suo motto powers. The power to act is less powerful than the power not to act. You leave the accused unscathed, with or without a price, can be out of anything; influence to sheer ignorance or even lack of initiative. And what a price the society pays for it. The smokescreen of not knowing of the offence / case would be cleared forever leaving barely any choice of not acting. Even if you don’t act you leave a strong paper /digital trail behind you, which has potential to bite you in future.
The large language models, LLMs have the capability to churn our any data /information at will. With the LLMs working in the background, dynamic and real time information concerning criminal offences committed in your area, made known through any medium by anyone, would be recorded by AI tool. Being programmed to run it through the legal master (sections & acts) available in the system, it would be able to prompt the concerned police station, of the offence, the section under which it needs to be registered and currently available evidence in the public domain.
It would also provide the references, links and who all are likely to provide the first leads or evidence. With the documentation in place, such persons would find difficult to escape. It would guide through similar cases in the neighborhood, if that could be put to any use in the investigation. This can be termed as AI Enabled Suo Motto Case Prompter. The final decision for sure would be human. The same tool can also be used all authorities who have suo motto powers to take action, inclusive of the courts. This would be a natural extension of police powers to areas, offenders and crevices unknown. Over a period of time it would throw patterns on a variety of parameters and who knows it could even start predicting. We would be able to create a national database of suo motto cases, which could be put to endless uses. If the time span coverage is increased, it would give details of the offences made and cases not registered in last so many years, details of which were available in the public domain. If suo motto powers can’t make a difference, then nothing else can!
Sanjay Sahay
Have a nice evening.