DailyPost 506
India is a land of celebrations, as one steps out of the home, you are likely to bump across some celebrations. That apart there are lots at home. As if that was not enough we have endless events, mostly of initiate an activity, sometimes its completion and very rarely for its robust functioning. Foundation stone laying, opening of shops / establishments / educational institutions, launching of programs & projects, social service activities. How many of them reach fruition, as desired? If measured on utility, impact & performance, results are dismal.
Undeniably, such celebrations were not warranted as there was nothing tangible to celebrate. The event became a milestone. The fly by night operators disappear as the arc lights go down. A celebration should have something to celebrate, by any logic it can only be completion & validated robust functioning. The very idea is revolutionary as it would bring sanity, seriousness & accountability into the system. Quiet execution shall prevail.
People being as they are, pomp, show & even splendour rules their mind. When every movement is on display in the public domain, these events would give a feel of landing on the moon. Whatever, might be activity, project or utility, the final destination is the robust functioning. Undebated. Then why don’t celebrate it with pomp and gaiety when it is well deserved. People all around would be their to validate the great work. It would not be a tent wallah / event company show. The glossy paper, light and sound show, ending with a sumptuous meal.
Incentivising work in the most effective manner works and what better way of doing it. Gone through the rigours of execution & bringing it to robust level, brings sanity to the celebration, maturity slowly gets inbuilt. The work culture would be positively impacted, in a professional manner. There would be no need of sermons. Deliver together & make it run in a robust manner, to get even an iota of recognition. Only validated deliverable matters.
Sanjay Sahay