DailyPost 370
Having failed to usher in excellence in most of the areas in this country because of lack of efforts mainly, we seem to have tacitly decided to celebrate mediocrity. Democratisation of excellence based on eroding talent & merit, does not work. In simple terms it’s sustenance of mediocrity in the garb of talent, where non-delivery becomes the name of the game, which again is packaged to suit our needs.
The 10th class CGPA exercise brought forth around a lakh 10 CGPA achievers every year to be hit by a roadblock in their 11th. Large number of such super performers become utter failures even before their entry into the undergrad courses. Perpetuating mediocrity is both an art & also a big business proposition. The substandard professional colleges “hardware & software” is an integral part of this ecosystem.
Social media is doing a yeomen service in this domain. Every piece of paper of a student receives in school / college or outside, every pic & any supposedly academic visit is left for the family & friends on social media. And lo & behold, the response is really encouraging, as they also expect the same drama in return. This is what can called as self sustainability of mediocrity, whatever might be the medium. The created social approval helps in fulfilling the agenda. For the kid growing up in this system, only this is “the reality.”
Aspirations thus don’t get created. The perspiration & talent formula never gets decoded. Failure & shame never becomes a part of you. Tension & pressure is something to be wished away, whatever come may. Managing by packaging becomes the name of the game. This gets replicated in the professional domain.
Where are centers of excellence & creations par excellence? Few & far between. Professional delivery, thus, does not happen.
Sanjay Sahay