DailyPost 1184
Digital Social Mind is a state of mind and a thought process which schemes to make best of the social media for a vested interest. It is used as tool a for debasing human narrative and public social interactions using technology. The pace of reach of the medium and the anonymity garnered through variety of digital and human camouflage is used for this purpose. The multimedia through its standard pic & video tools and lots of others used for enhancement, faking and degradation is put into full play.
This is a digital vitiated mind which is very different from using Social Media for productive purposes; for dissemination of information, healthy dialogue, business development, education, entertainment etc. The story does not end there, large number of organisations of different hues and color hire such professional agencies to do this act.This may range from playing havoc in elections like Cambridge Analytica or to spread any type of vitriolic in society, a part of it or the nation.
Digital Social Mind feeds on the ease of the medium and plans its operations with lots of understandable parameters in mind. Over a period of mind it gains proficiency and can play around with emotions / feelings to a considerable degree. Information Operations which is used to support the Military indirectly or directly gets a proletarian existence now. These information operations are independent with their clear cut strategic goals in mind. The gullible people help this to happen.
The tweets and its country cousins in the form of trolls belong to a tenor, mindset, language, usage, which does not in anyway correspond either to the modern civilised educated age nor to any form of democratic or rational thinking. They seemed to have declared their own local sovereign state on a global technological platform. What a waste of energy and time, which can be used for innumerable good purposes.