DailyPost 993
Disruption will happen, whether you will be the Change Maker and the Opportunity Seeker? Is the billion dollar question. Emerging technologies from Big Data Analytics to Machine Learning to Artificial Intelligence, robots and drones on the other side and IPv6, 5G, Internet of Things / Everything and cloud computing as base platform for all, is a paradigm shift in the way world transacts, lives, governs, creates and adds value. Blockchain Technology transforms the Internet of Information to the Internet of Value, which is likely to be, bigger than the internet revolution itself.
The disruption began with the famous Kodak moment when a company which controlled 85% of market share in 1998 closed down in short span of 3 years in 2001, and later BlackBerry lost track, Nokia reached the cliffhanger and Microsoft missed the mobility bus. Much more than what Kodak actually did with 1,43,000 employees is being done by Instagram with 23 employees. The Facebooks, DeepMinds and WhatsApps held sway with one of its kind product creation, disrupting the world by creating a niche for themselves or carved a mass market in areas non-existent or unknown.
To move ahead in life as professionals, enterprises finding the real commercial success and societies getting set for digital age success, we ought to know were we are positioned today and how to respond to the all comprehensive digital disruption. Innovation Disruption as they call it, is the age of opportunity, A Billionaire Story is what the age of disruption offers – seize the opportunity and become one, the fastest possible in human history. Billionaire abound would be the dream story in the age of disruption, if we have the courage to dream and skills, knowledge and competencies with girt and determination to achieve.
From the folklore of Bill Gates to Steve Jobs and further Elon Musk as technologies become more disruptive and more pervasive, the gestation period of a Billionaire Story is getting shorter and shorter. DeepMind with half a million in 2014, WhatsApp for $19 billion, Snapchat’s IPO throwing up Billionaires, and the Indian ones in Flipkart and newer still in Udaan and Cult Fit, the success in the age of disruption has no bounds. The age of Billionaire 2.0 has begun.
Sanjay Sahay