DailyPost 1187
Given the commonplace understanding of the digital world, with its processes and controls, it was to usher in authenticated living, way beyond the physical world documentation. Instant non-verification of documents has come in way of integrity of large number of transactions, financial and otherwise. How many of the claims on a CV have you ever been able to verify? With the technology helping you make copies better than the original, editing on the fly, supported by instant communication and real time transactions, we are already in tumultuous times.
By the time you are able to tackle crime through IP addresses and IMEI numbers it would be too late. Think of a physical cheque being photographed / photoshopped / printed etc and the new one created making all the edits so that the bank is not able to make out the difference. A physical to physical document copied beyond recognition and transacted upon. Digital documents of umpteen types are being used for financial and other gains. The digital world already seems to be in a state of a tinder box.
Blockchain as a technology can change it all. It is a disturbed ledger, peer to peer with no central agency in between, was to revolutionise currency, banking et al. Though it gained notoriety and fame through Bitcoin, it can be used in innumerable ways to bring sanity in the digital world. Think of a physical cheque which can be verified by a mere click at the bank, person or enterprise’s repository which has issued the same.
If all your school / college / professional documents & achievements were available for the admission authorities, recruiting agencies and anybody you permit, will it not change the whole scenario. How much of exaggeration and camouflage can be brought down? How much of confidence would increase in the current systems? If different govt. documents are issued only through this immutable, verifiable process, this could well be the game changer in ease of business and ease of living. Think of an Information Utility with billions of documents rendering instant validation service!
Very Interesting Sir. Please post some more articles on Blockchain.