DailyPost 702
Handyman can do all house related repairs. If the handy tool kit were to had only different type of hammers, would he able to do his job, leave aside efficiently. The capability of the handyman is directly proportional to the skills he picked up and his ability to deliver proficiently, through his tool kit. The toolkit should thus necessarily have various quality tools kit enabling him to meet his job requirements, in a professional manner. For sure, to the satisfaction of the customer.
Every professional needs to have those skills & the tools to stay at the top in this world of cut-throat competition. To stay above and beyond the battle of mediocre, the magic formula is out in open. This is achieving successes on a regular basis. It’s known to all of us. We are not ready make that effort to learn & practice it. This is niche area at the synthesis of domain, technology and communication. All failures of individual professionals, if you give a serious thought, in recent times, can be attributed to this.
Technology has become the sine qua non of out existence, hence, it’s becomes a critical element in our professional tool kit. The technology knowledge has to be appropriate & operational, which can be practiced, as the value add to your domain. Actually, the two only together get operational. How many times have you felt handicapped on either of the two fronts; domain or technology? How many times have you found someone getting past with this combination? The beauty is if you don’t have it, there are chances you might not realise it.
To make your goals come true after getting domain & technology right, the real facilitator is the communication. People who have audacious goals, necessarily have to make a sales pitch, which only by a ace communicator can. The content writers write anything but content. To make a team to do something, as audacious as you have dreamt, you have make them them dream the same. Otherwise, it will not take off. With technical & project documentation, pitching for funds, satisfying all stakeholders, handling electronic & social media etc., our professional life is drenched in communication. He who owns this skill working in tandem with domain & technology is the winner. Your proficiency in the language can do further wonders to this magical formula.
Sanjay Sahay