DailyPost 1861
In an organizational scenario, we find people struggling with different software, so as to find the best professional equilibrium, for the tasks they are assigned with. The IT departments in the ongoing quest for getting the best software or a combination of it, to serve the employees better, for improving efficiency and productivity of the business concerned. The creation of ERP quite sometime back has been in this direction and has served its limited role, notwithstanding there are very few businesses which are completely on one ERP. The cost of the best ERPs has been prohibitive even for the reasonably bigger businesses and the transition is a time taking affair. The cyber security scenario is equally or more complex with more than two dozen software to handle, even by a mid-size enterprise.
Thus, the conclusive finding is that integrated technology solutions have not been thought of, about even for one department or a unit, leave aside the entire enterprise. The crazy situation we are in, is where we handle everything, from an old friend excel sheet to the master of all technologies, artificial intelligence. How much aware and conversant we are with these technologies, certainly remains a deeply intriguing thought? Does the required business logic for that enterprise get reflected in the technology application? This is the biggest call for the professionals, both the domain and subject matter experts. It’s an uphill task also for IT and the procurement departments. When and how do they gel? The demand of timelines and delivery does not leave much time for thought and planning.
The battle for today’s existence cannot be an alibi for stalling all that is required in future, but unfortunately is the ever-evolving story in most of the enterprises. This struggle more often than not, is described as day-to-day work, mundane or in other words digital drudgery. Integrated technology solutions have less to do with technology, as it stands available in the open market. It is a battle for a thought process, which prompts you to believe that integrated technology solutions can happen and can also deliver immense gains to the individual and the enterprises and organisations who move with this mindset, for them it would bring transformational changes, in the way we use technology. We thus veer away from vendor driven purchases.
We move to the requirements-based additions, each falling in its part of a bigger plan. The Blueprint decides what is to be onboarded and in which manner. The incremental additions keep adding value to the already functional operational solutions; worthwhile and everlasting. You will never get caught unawares. There are endless organizations, which have lost out in the race or have got decimated because the solutions they were working with, gave them a false sense of complacency. Integrated solutions also show you the fault lines and you are able to work on it, while you have the time before it leads to a major mess. Knee jerk tech reactions cost a lot of money and does not deliver in a commensurate manner, to the capital investment. Finally, the organization needs to be comfortable and in control of the tech blueprint, requirement, tech projects and in today’s fast changing times, in case they are forced to, or decide to, launch a large digital transformation initiative.
Sanjay Sahay