DailyPost 583
Jack of all trades & master of none is a truism. It is extremely difficult to find a detractor & thus a commonplace agreement, is it’s utility. Family system, society & the professional world are in unison. Jack of all trades presupposes master of none. It can be a master of any number. Does human brain has a inability to master more than one trade? The adage needs rethinking, to change our outlook towards skills & competencies.
Human history is replete with individuals who have proved it wrong. Multifaceted personalities are found in large numbers. The master of one trade has found very difficult to survive until the person is exceptional. There is a general perception that everyone should have some hobbies, play some sport & have societal orientation. These well groomed personalities contribute to their profession, hobby & the society. All are independent trades. This adage means that one should do only one work, strange is the acceptance! Human bonsais don’t fructify.
Lots of great leaders have been great lawyers & writers. People getting into skill different or beyond their education or training is quite commonplace, may it be business author Subroto Bagchi or Dr. Kurien. Bill Gates is a practising social worker now. One skill feeds into other. Good in one makes you good in another. We share the same ecosystem & the world. Elon Musk seems to have trades lining, to be picked up for the global stage, with immense success. From Paypal to SpaceX, the story unending.
Quite a few times we assign only one trade, because we barely understand the backend.Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Blockchain Technology, is a great brain in accounting & auditing. That helped him to write the algorithm. Bill Gates kept Microsoft afloat clearing huge legal hurdles, can it happen without legal acumen? Data Analytics mergers into psychographics. Start Ups fail by the wayside because of lack of business skills. Might be one skill existence has lost its utility. Master as many you require or desire & excel.
Sanjay Sahay