Daily Post 1505
This is the attitude, perception and operational philosophy which decides the way you would work and also the ends you intend to achieve. If justice is the end for people in authority ie. official power is used to usher in tangible justice, then the world would become totally different. Justice as
in cases – civil or criminal is experienced by small percentage of people best a few times, the challenge is the day to day non-delivery of it by the ruling dispensation at all levels.
The development machinery needs to treat the law, rules and procedures as the tools to provide what is expected out of them, legally mandated. It can be a compensation for a natural calamity or rendering a vaccine to his doorstep. The right to know what is due to him and its predictability is what justice is made of, day in and day out. Justice is not handing alms or making a big hue and cry and expecting the recipients to feel obliged. Whatever might be the govt, ads and number of them, herald justice landing in your lap.
With this frame of mind working in the backdrop, justice will always be a challenge. A justiciable mind is at the core of human existence. Either you have it or you don’t have it. Same applies to all the enterprises and governance too. People are fatigued with this battle wherever they are. You will find it so useless to even hear somebody’s problems, so where is the question of applying your mind, putting in effort and see to it that justice is delivered. You can just compare the time spend for this purpose to the effort, time spend and also the objectivity of the judiciary.
Finally as expected lots of cases land up in our judicial process. The stakeholders there as well play the law enabled power game rather than putting all the effort for the healthy and objective administration of justice. This does not help the judiciary in the timely dispensation of justice. That is how it is called a legal battle where there are tools of delay, partial representation, threating witnesses, even their disappearance and anything which help the client he is engaged with. Finally, as and when it happens, it should also seem to have happened. You can’t be at the receiving end of law and yet get justice.