Daily Post 1289
Your approachability, capability to get into others shoes and respond, the all pervasive umbrella of empathy which you carry, going out the way for medical emergencies, lend an ear and time too, to find solutions to others problems, interpersonal relations in professional issues, a feel good factor which you generate and above all be the wall on which all can lean on. The tone, tenor, gestures, actions, connects, feelings, smiles and pleasant appearance expresses it all, you don’t have to make an effort to create that impact.
Given the fact that even if you are endowed with knowledge, skills and competencies, what finally counts in life and in every facet of life is goodwill. What has been explained above as a sum total is goodwill. Permanent goodwill cannot be created by the marketing for it; over a period of time your acts are final arbiters of your goodwill. When you are remembered at the nick of time for sorting out a crisis or for some issue or purpose to be managed is the goodwill you carry. A man with a all pervasive goodwill is the one who clicks everywhere.
While you remain in your coterie all your life, sometimes we call it as our professional grouping, each patting the other, supposedly understand each other’s predicament comes to a nought the day you retire. The make believe goodwill goes for a six. The imaginary goodwill ends with the position. The best part is that the functionary himself also knows and anticipates that plight, but having not created any goodwill by his deeds and behaviour in the normal community, he cannot make any difference at that point in time. The damage is already done.
Your goodwill precedes you and makes your life easier than imagined even in uncommon and unknown environments. The human network on which with world runs, ignites only with this fuel. The values and attitudes leads to our acts, deeds and behaviour of a different kind while performing our professional tasks and lots going out of the way and make it happen. Its solace both for the recipient and the giver. If you can connect at human level with most of the people you interact with and act upon it, goodwill will never part you.