DailyPost 239
Dream big & think out of the box have slowly turned out to be jargons flaunted all around the place by professionals & lay alike, barely having any idea as what it takes to translate the intangible to the tangible. This has turned out to be the biggest enigma of our times, leading to frustration at both personal & professional levels. What you would like yourself to be, ten years down the line is the most critical question. A reverse engineering roadmap can, for sure, facilitate in taking that journey & to reach the desired goal at the end of that time period.
It’s not about the position ten years down the line & the pay package thereof. These things will happen when cores ideas, skills, competencies & the impact, is neatly worked out upon. Otherwise even after reaching the decision position & package it would be next to impossible to propel to the next level & beyond. What has to borne in mind is that the competencies decide the worth & not years or package.
With the pressure to deliver on day to day basis, meeting targets at a breakneck speed, the overall technological & professional change happening all around is not factored in the matrix of our professional growth . Thus we become lame ducks waiting to attached upon & a new genre of professionals completely & the existing professionals lose out in their own areas. The growth of the employee needs to intertwined with the growth of the company & vice versa. There are areas of professional skills & competencies that ought to be created, despite it being not being on the Company’s agenda. You ought to excel for the company, it can either be the present one or the subsequent one is totally immaterial.
The competencies have to be directly proportional to the to the requirements being thrown up by the professional world . A coder getting adept with the whole genre of present growth from Big Data to Machine Learning to Artificial Intelligence. There are lots of such areas of linear progression.
Sanjay Sahay