DailyPost 325
Tonnes have been written about the nature of cyber attacks, it’s technological complexity & its geographical spread. WannaCry & Petya have given us a trailer as a foreboding for what is written on the wall. Nonetheless, there is no serious thought is being given both to the operations & lesser to the nature of Cybersecurity Workforce. The white papers on world renowned breaches and piecemeal responses to it can only be an adhoc arrangement. The competent Cybersecurity Workforce has to be put in place, in tune with the requirements, to make a meaningful difference to the present state of affairs.
What we keep talking on a day to day basis is all about products & systems and very rarely get into the people who man it. Researches have shown over & over again that 80% of the breaches happen because of the human element; its improvement is not being seen in sight. It entails both the IT security professionals & also the user, who seems to be still on a joy ride.
The need is real & has already been well documented. Frost & Sullivan & (ISC)2 findings show the likelihood of 1.5 million unfilled positions by 2020 in the global Cybersecurity Workforce. IDC data puts this opportunity at $101 billion by 2020. Besides the traditional technology credentials, one has look into desperately needed varied skills across so many different industries.
National Institute of Technology & Standards, NIST, has created standards 800-181, with the title Cybersecurity Workforce Framework, which has been in vogue for sometime now. It’s use can make a new beginning. The purpose is the creation of an Integrated Cybersecurity Workforce competent enough in designing, developing, implementing & maintaining defensive & offensive cyber strategy.
If we fail to evolve our human resource response to this monster we are destined to doom.
Sanjay Sahay