Daily Post 1418
Our love story with the superfluous has researched gigantic proportions. Superfluous activities, thought processes, enterprises, habits, networks etc have taken over the positive, creative, effective and proactive. Knowledge, expertise and enterprising efforts have taken over by camouflage and packaging. That the world can be delivered without doing anything is the motto. That anything can happen with networking and connection is the running undercurrent in this country. Money can buy anything has been clarion call for decades. Unfortunately, it has not been able to buy basic healthcare. We have got wedded to the superfluous to the extent that we are not able to differentiate between it with the real effort and product.
The educational system is amongst the worst hit. It was hit by the virus long before Corona. Even the visible manifestations nobody wanted to see. Education became synonymous to Educomp. Buildings, the campus, swimming pool, golf carts, horses and what not went in name of education. Lovely University boasts of the biggest dining hall in the country. The bulk sale fixed placements in jobs happened, which could be done by 10th pass skills. The issues which are not on the radar are the quality of teachers, brilliance of students, curriculum, the content and the pedagogy. Anyway, there was no purpose in talking about the results. Quite a large part of them conducted their own exams. Given the business model they follow, what credence can be given to this exercise is left to your imagination.
The public domain is a running commentary of comments on democracy, rule of rule, political propriety, fundamental rights and the like when we get a very clear feeling that none of these guys have given constitution a serious reading even once. Some points, notes, some pep given by some half baked experts is enough to make the pot boil. How many of our legislators, the creators of our laws have legal acumen, interest and perseverance to fulfil this democratically ordained duty? Connecting the requirements to the provisions of law in question, would have done some justice to the constituents they represent. The media of late had become an expert on the Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and Forensic Science. Judgments they deliver without the knowledge of the Criminal Procedure Code.
The persons creating and handling well orchestrated superfluous systems have immense capabilities to create the Democratic and Media Shrill at the same time. If they allow serious debate and real work once again in this country, their stranglehold will be lost forever. The only way to protect themselves is to create Iron Curtains which cannot be broken by the people who are out to make a difference. The proponents of the superfluous systems in all fields make a caucus, collaborate and support for their common existence. They elevate our existence to the level of the superfluous where reality becomes an anathema. Presume some course correction has been done by the situation created by COVID-19, lots still needs to be done.
Sanjay Sahay