Daily Post 2998

If you are not in Artificial Intelligence, then you are not in IT. Worse still, whatever enterprise you might be engaged with, AI has to be there, otherwise you are not on the growth path. It has now nearly been accepted that the fate of the world and that of AI are intertwined. The poster boy of AI and CEO of OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT is always heard for his views on the future of AI and what trajectory it is taking. You can also call it a cult type figure or an aura which he carries. In this backdrop his recent speech at the New York Times Deal Book Summit is making big news.

He was talking about the future of AI. The future of AI and the future of jobs in normal commonsensical understanding, are two sides of the same coin. It goes even a stage further, Artificial Intelligence would define the future of work. That makes it all the more scary. The initial stage in which we are in, can be called the honeymoon stage, where you get the benefits of the technology but having little or no impact on the broader job market. The impact is also connected to how soon we get into the next stage of artificial intelligence.

Sam Altman at the New York Times DealBook Summit, got into the predictive mode. Superintelligence is not on the horizon, what is in question is how fast and how comprehensively, Artificial General Intelligence will arrive. Most of us would not like to believe, but per his understanding and he really has been in the thick of things, Artificial General Intelligence, AGI, could eventually emerge as early as the year 2025, which is the next year itself. Is it really so near, there is nobody who can say provide a definitive answer, Sam Altam is the nearest we get to reality in the field of AI research.

Sam Altman has been reported to have emphasized on the fact that AGI will allow AI systems “to tackle complex tasks just like humans while using various tools. He reiterated that during the primary days the impact of AGI would be minimal but with “passing days” it will eventually lead to significant job displacement and economic disruption. Sam Altman accepts the competitive landscape that has emerged in the field of AI. We have to wait and watch how it unfolds. Besides the conventional Big Tech rivals, Elon Musk’s new venture named xAI, will be very intensely watched for what it can deliver. OpenAI has been able to garner $5-6 billion funding boosting its valuation to a whopping $157 billion.

Sanjay Sahay


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