DailyPost 613
Lone wolf from where this term is derived, pertains to the current trend of individuals; getting radicalised on their own, mainly by ISIS ideology & execute terror acts. Nothing of this nature, the world has ever seen earlier. The history of the nature of world terrorism & attacks is synonymous with the creation of terror organisations, their capability to garner recruits, train them and gain immense capability in planning & executing big terror plots.
The social media and relay chats were used in a big a way for radicalisation, to keep the recruitment to the ISIS army on. Away from this conventional model, attack in New York, driver of a truck running down on a crowd and killing 84 people in Nice & many IS attacks around the globe are carried out by generally single individuals, the media have dubbed them as “lone wolves” – these can also be the new freelancer terrorists, who act without the direct knowledge of the IS leadership.
To avoid glamorizing them, the RAND Corporation prefers the term “flaming bananas.” Self radicalisation has been one of most baffling psychological phenomenons of our time. From the human bombs of the early nineties to the freelancer terrorists of today, law enforcement will have to keep facing innovative killer ideas of the day. The use of psychology in any form for the purposes of containment or elimination of a major violent trend has not been tried by law enforcement agencies. Some baked efforts to contain the lone wolves delivered half baked results.
Unconnected, on the different trajectory, we can find lone wolves in the digital world. These are the insider hackers who can bleed their organisation & digital world hollow. Though they are flaunted as the whistleblowers to the outside world, Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning were lone wolves, whatever might be their reason for their deviant behaviour. There would be lots in the digital world, who their employers are not able to find out& also remain outside the ambit of the law enforcement agencies.
Sanjay Sahay