DailyPost 1101
As a human being the first thing one does as he or she gets into the talking mode is conversation. Nearly everybody you come by tries and engages you in a conversation. Presumably, that is the best way of picking up a language and understandably some of those initial conversations remain fresh on our mind for all our life. As we grow up the conversations becomes more and more intense as per demands of learning, social interaction, co-curricular academic engagements and the like. Learning any other mode of interaction is not easy so we find stuck up in the conversationalist mode for all times to come.
If you look at the world around you, you will find that people are not able to fathom out as to why they are not able to make an impact by their communication. The straight answer is the near permanence of their conversational mode in all their interactions. The demands on any human being and professional are wide and varied as far his communication requirements are concerned. Your oral communication is your first introduction to anybody, any group or any organisation and it also has a lasting impact.
Making a professional one to one conversation, addressing your team, calling the shots, making a presentation to the senior management, talking you way to get board approvals, addressing a press conference, getting through Q&A sessions with an elan, be comfortable in interpersonal connects and also in taking care of the social events in professional settings, the demands on your communication capabilities are way beyond you can imagine. From the conversationalist few graduate to one or two of these roles. They are certainly wanted for that.
Some who are good in debating are likely to pick up the art of being comfortable in one or two of the above situations. The crux of the matter is that is not easy to pick up any of these communication capabilities easily. People are averse to making that effort. All these multifarious communication capabilities get their real value add through the strength of the content / knowledge / learning and intuition.
Sanjay Sahay