DailyPost 2839

The biggest art and science of Indian politics and governance is the perfect knack to put any issue on the backburner. One day you feel the issue will never die but in a few days you might feel exactly the opposite, that the issue will never come back to life again. The transition is made so smooth and without any murmur, that you would not realise how it has happened. The crux of the matter is that there are no sentiments or emotions involved nor is there any conviction or morality or even propriety in the vicinity. The goal is to stay aloft, with the aim to fly.

The politicians and the bureaucrats more often than not remain in a different firmament, connecting with the brick and mortar world, only when they are forced to, to disappear again at the earliest. Take the case of the NEET Exam 2024 and the NTA, as desired by the powers that be, it is already on the backburner. What the scandal impacts and what can be the magnitude of the loss for the country, nobody is even ready to fathom out. There are many events which have now hogged the media space and nothing much is being talked about the scandal. To wash off your hands, Courts are always there to do the cleansing and then leaders of the backburner brigade, declare their subservience to the orders of the court.

The more any issue gets mired in the Indian courts, it works in favour of the government and the ruling political class.What to talk of issues, which remain on the backburner mode for all times to come. It is designed in that manner. The quality of education issue, which comes in the way of literally anything and everything we talk of, for the good of this nation gets impacted by it. From unemployment to innovation everything is impacted thoroughly adversely, but you will never feel the smell of it. Each of these issues can be dealt with independently, that too proficiently, is what you would be made to believe and you would start believing it. You cannot be farther off from reality.

You are taken on a different track called skilling and that is equated with education, and in the process you would be more lost, compared to where you started. That is the name of the game and the real issue is lost. This is the playbook to create a backburner hypothesis. The Manipur issue whenever it cropped up was put on the backburner mode in a calibrated manner. National attention was kept away from it in a variety of ways. Even general elections were held keeping it on the backburner. As and when it crops up, it is pushed back to the backburner mode. From the backburner mode to the dustbin of history is quite a fast descent.

Sanjay Sahay

Have a nice evening.

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