Taxed to Suffer!


DailyPost 2891

Is ‘taxed to suffer’ the true antithesis of a welfare state. A welfare state in its purest form takes care of at least the basic necessities of every citizen in the country. The first principle of public finance taught to every single new entrant to the civil service is to use public money as a person of normal common sense would his own money. What does democratic taxation mean? If it does mean anything. Does taxation mean that X amount or percentage of money would be paid to the government on what you earn and spend. It also means tax / payments on lots of other transactions which might be called fees or go by any other name.

The basic principle as applied to the citizen is simple; whatever might be your requirement of the money you have earned by your hard work is of no consequence, you need to pay your income as dictated. The rationale of the income tax is not discussed with the taxed community. The nitty gritty of a person’s financial predicament is none of their concern. If you need to take a loan after dutifully paying the taxes, so it be, it is none of the government’s concern. The financial situation of the person also might differ year on year, both from the earnings and commitments point of view, but the tax cannot be deferred. There are also provisions where the tax can be realized even before the realization of the earning.

The honest tax payers who have decided to play by the rules are at the receiving end. What about those who have found a variety of escape routes using different methods? That apart does the government spend that money with the same mindset of an honest tax year. Is there any services /support / delivery guarantee by the government to the chunk of taxpayers paying their tax dutifully all their lives. Or if the tax collection increases considerably; say income tax or GST, what all will improve from the government’s side to make a difference in our quality of life, in the areas where the government is legally mandated to deliver. The operating principle is that tax burden is dictated, in more than tangible terms and has to be paid within the timelines provided.

Democratic tax regime is a give and take relationship and not a tool of ‘legal financial exploitation’. While all the financial noose is being tied at the income earner and spender, the government remains a free financial bird to keep playing kite flying games with us. While payment of tax should improve our quality of life, it has been the other way round. You have to fend for yourself to shameful levels; think of bottled water and water tankers for life to run. You have to pay through your nose for quality education and healthcare. What has the government guaranteed? Leader based drama. All financial nonsense has been normalized and the governments have generally absolved themselves. Not to say of the volumes that can be written on lavish governmental spending for mistaken or rather vested / vitiated priorities.

Sanjay Sahay

Have a nice evening.

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