Daily Post 1247
Every single activity you indulge in life is tested on the parameter of having more than a day to day utility, one which is beyond the basic need of our professional and personal existence. Only such activities makes sense to the profession, community, enterprise and the country at large. Of these which stand out are the ones have future distinctly factored in and based on that future, change is calibrated and running through and through is the ever flowing inspiration to every single associated individual. These are the Change Agents who work tirelessly to make a future of their liking.
If you look around in the projects and programs professional or otherwise mandated to have huge impact on society, in how many of them do you find future, change and inspiration factored in. This can bring a paradigm shift in planning and a tectonic shift in execution. The whole purpose starts looking up and the vibrant energy becomes a shared one. Project after project can be built on that, consolidation becoming easier with every successive one and result and the impact moves on to the multiplier mode.
The tangible and intangible comes into play; how many times have you factored in the intangibles in whatever you do. But it is also a reality of life that even the most earnest efforts / projects fail because of the intangibles. You are not able to hold the human beings to the task at hand because future, change and inspiration is not factored in. The conventional motivation provided in whatever manner seems to have outlived its utility.
As the Exponential Age becomes a reality, not factoring in future can only mean an existential crisis. The pace of change has abridged the gap between the past and the future. If change is not factored as a design element of every single business and governance project, the project will just not take off. With the whole world in churning around you, the practices of yesterday will not be successful today.