DailyPost 242
Being in the midst of technology & and now knowing how best to use it as an enabler is professional, personal & social life is the biggest challenge of our times. This should happen simultaneously with being in knowledge of the processes under which the system operates, reaching a level of mental peace with the privacy & confidentiality of the data is another humungous challenge faced the world over. The opt refrain is that we were unaware of the system, when crisis emerges.
For the first time in history technology has far surpassed our requirements and the world is forced on bandwagon broadly dictated by IT companies to the extent that every activity of ours have become data points which is being used for furthering business without our informed consent & so our knowledge. Its being used for large number of nefarious activities putting personal information / data to risk & also our lives. In the physical world transactions of yesterday’s we knew the nitty gritty of our assets & personal information, not any further . All are at risk.
The inability of the average user to comprehend as what should get into the public domain & and what should not, is critical to our existence. People have become desperate to impress their peers / friends / relatives and are churning out data antithetical to their interests. We are also unaware of the fact, as to the how the data can be connected to misguide us or derive at scenarios which facilitate crimes against individuals & organisations . An average user this becomes a lame duck. To expect any level of business & social ethics out of companies & hackers is asking for the moon.
This double edged sword concept has to be understood with clarity & also the fact that there is no free lunch. The companies will never go in for awareness against their business interests. Do only what you are competently comfortable with and grow incrementally in usage. Even a pic is minefield of information.
Sanjay Sahay