DailyPost 2820

As we claim to be surging ahead in the digital world, after India having supposedly established itself in the global software industry and is making an indelible mark in the startup universe as well, the police in India necessarily need to be fully equipped at least to save themselves from any hack. Asking for this all across the country might be a tall order, given the nature of the digitally laggard states. What is expected at the minimum level is that the federal agencies and the digitally forward states don’t not fall prey to the hackers. The recent news on Telangana police hack has led to bewilderment amongst the right thinking people.

Shrugging off this incident as another hack, can lead to undesirable consequences, in the days to come, which we might not be able to handle. The headline can itself be damaging to the credibility of the police. “20-year-old Delhi student held for hacking Telangana police Hawk Eye App.” He had hacked the app and stolen the data, which he offered on sale at $150 to interested buyers. He was nabbed by the TGCSB team which had travelled to Delhi for this purpose. The accused Jatin Kumar has other hacks also to his credit. He is also claimed to be behind the data leak of TSCOP and SMS services.

While Jatin made efforts to mask his identity, the TGCSB team used social engineering techniques to successfully track him down. The accused has claimed to have shared the compromised data and asked for payment via crypto wallets. First, it is to be probed whether the data has been sold, and if so, the details of purchase will be collected from crypto wallets. What is also being ascertained is whether there are any more accomplices. Given the nature of revelations so far, the investigations are currently open ended.

What is to be found out at the outset is the hacker who has breached the data. Based on the findings of this question, the scope of investigative work will have to be widened, Coming to the nature of entry, prime facie, “it is suspected that because of a weak/compromised password, the intruder might have obtained access to certain segments of Hawkeye data by generating a report. When username is compromised, one can break through and enter restricted areas and then generate reports. These reports can be shot as saved as screenshots or pdf. Police has initiated a comprehensive monitoring and VAPT across the police establishments. Only an end to end investigation will clear the smokescreen with finality.

Sanjay Sahay

Have a nice evening.

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