Daily Post 1546


It’s time we gave thought to the fact as to why executive exists and whether its role is more than being a bystander and at times being able to deliver much less than what has been invested in it. Undeniably, the display of power and tantrums would be there. Might be it is the nature of the things. Who governs and who is governed will remain a trillion dollar democratic question for all times to come. With this background, there would also not be any second thoughts on executive having effective control of its functions and the jurisdiction it controls. It is mandated to do so. In this effectiveness lies the strength of democratic governance – the successful delivery mechanism.

The administrative machinery is generally calculated in terms of number of positions. The posts at different levels. The size and strength of the force on the law and order side. The recruitment, training and the career graph is broadly known to them and also to the rest of the country. It is also a fact that what they deliver does not progress during their progressive career. An analysis will show that it only dwindles. Might be there should be column for people’s appraisal. The wherewithal that is provided does not match to the their requirements and in turn to the heightened and complex requirements of the citizenry. What technology can do in the executive can be learned from Estonia or Singapore or European Union and many others. The necessity of use and display of core human and professional values cannot be overemphasised.

The every single piece of legislation, even to the level of sections, has to followed by supplementary rules, the polices, the protocols, the SOPs, the job description and responsibilities, the methods of delivery, delivery, its measurement, the impact, its analysis and audit. All have to be seamlessly enmeshed into each other. This can be done through a smooth workflow design. The breakdown structure should add up into the law in both word and spirit. It’s should not only be delivered, it should also seem to be delivered. It’s predictability and fairness is critical. It should be a legal regime of the aspirations and requirements of the people.

What is the Human Resource imperative? The system is as good as the people who man it. It’s said in Google that if you hire the best resources as per your requirements, they would wage the rest of the war. It’s not only what quality you take, its what you do with them. That depends what you invest in them. First the will and then the time. The training, mentoring and its follow through. Not even one person can be left in the wilderness. Reckless high end training can only create resources who can excel in PowerPoints, reports and compliances. There needs a paradigm shift in both the Human Resource and ecosystem. The clock is ticking.


Sanjay Sahay

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