DailyPost 513


While we love to be ambivalent for reasons of political correctness, being practical, or the sheer inability to hang one’s neck out, heart of heart we cherish finality. How many times you have felt the you should have spoken exactly the opposite of what you actually said. Finality is solace to the mind, heart and the soul. It’s refreshing for the person who practices and also to the person, who is made to experience that. At the end you create an ecosystem of finality. Finality, thus, is the fact or impression of being final and irreversible.

Finality emanates our of conviction, focus, urge to deliver and the wish of stand out in the pack. Who wants to be a also ran. You want to be the winner. Finality as a behavioural trait is intertwined with success, the world conspires to make the finality of your thought / idea / activity / project, happen. Finality of Purpose forces you to practice it all the way. Finality does not happen out of the blue. It cannot hang in mid-air. It has backward and forward linkages. Your practice, experiences, expertise and also your failures, suffering and humiliation, feeds into making what we term as a Finality Mindset. Once you possess this mindset, you have arrived in life, you become a standalone, who has both the capacity to deliver and also the capability to withstand any onslaught, coming from any direction. That is what life all about. Entrepreneurs are the best practitioners, on untrodden path in extreme uncertainty.

Detractors feel that finality is mirage and it cannot be achieved. Going by that point of view, might be their is no universal finality. So,it be. Finality is finality for the person concerned. It is fully substantiated by the practitioner. He is open to criticism but the criticism has to be fully substantiated. That is where the detractors, dismally fail. People then, start accepting your finality. You become the rock of a Gibraltar, people run to find support, when they require it the most. You become a monolith practitioner of life.


Sanjay Sahay

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