DailyPost 805


Viability is the art and the science of measuring the bare do ability of any activity, project or completing a process. It tells you if such requirements are just viable or feasible. Something becoming viable or feasible and accomplishing it with near / perfection are two totally different things. For sure the impact is also radically different. One takes you to the survival level and the second takes you onto a robust level, competent enough for further scalability. Getting average marks proclaims you to be a viable product / student, hovering at the ever decreasing pass percentage is the minimum viable knowledge. Conversely, you are made to pass. Pass percentage lowered and papers made passable. Are you really good enough to face the world?

It seems to be a typically IT creation to euphemistically explain the slashing of functional requirements as proposed or the features / utilities to be provided in the product or both. In simple parlance, the effort is brought down considerably and customer is provided with a less than viable product, which the owners / customers keep struggling with. IT has to be a value add par excellence, to elevate to the seamless level rather than providing stunted products. This emanates from the mindset which has been the curse of our educational and professional ecosystem. Certify the guy fit to go and he is fit to go. At least in today’s world, it does not happen that way.

What is the level of knowledge at which the student leaves the schooling system? Is it the minimum viable knowledge / viable knowledge or way beyond? You can take a call. Knowledge to our understanding includes skills & competencies to excel at the job at hand. Or is it for a further struggle at the professional college and beyond. We have started treating the lowest benchmarking as the competence level to deliver. Minimum viable knowledge has slowly become the norm, unfortunately.

The same story continues into professional colleges and professional life. Managing becomes the name of the game. There is no comfort, leave aside comfort level. Minimum viable knowledge can produce only this result. Cash registers should ring and the party has go on cannot be called an enviable growth story.


Sanjay Sahay

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