DailyPost 3011

Think of any crime where even in the best case scenario the criminal would be able to get away with a booty of over ten crores and be literally unscathed. This innovative modus operandi has yielded booty of crores many times. With all the efforts made, as made out by the government, it continues unabated, forcing the powers that be to rethink.You can call it the ransomware attacks of India, the modes of crime being totally different, but both scathing and delivering consistently and the law enforcement agencies not being able to make a marked dent.

Presume the turnabout would happen sooner than later. Take a guess on the offence we are talking about. Most likely, you have got it right, its digital arrest. With all these crimes making news for quite some time, a government supported and facilitated media blitzkrieg, in the multimedia format, with a purpose that no Indian remained unaware of Digital Arrest; how not to fall prey. A simple solution like switching off the phone when you fear danger will also work, but it has to be effectively known to one and all. What governmental support / tools comes handy in the event of a Digital Arrest also remains unknown, but for some management game type steps, which literally has no meaning.

The latest to fall on the Digital Arrest has been an engineer from GKVK Layout, in Bangalore, who ended up losing a whopping Rs.11.8 crore, the highest lost so far in any Digital Arrest.The complaint was lodged in a cyber crime police station in Bangalore and the crime was committed between Nov 25 and Dec 12, 2024. The same fake drama was enacted starting with a TRAI official, the misuse of SIM card story, criminal case and Mumbai Police moving in. Later, the accounts were allegedly used for money laundering and it was used in some well known money laundering case. Skype was forced to be downloaded and money was instructed to be transferred for the purpose of verification.

Will the potential victims remain ignorant and gullible for all time to come and will the government just keep counting the number of cases through its cyber helpline 1930 and its National Cyber Crime Coordination Centre? The ball governments feel is in the citizens court. They have to be careful. Then why do we need governments and specialised agencies to take care of it? What does it not come with a white paper on it? As it progresses, there needs to be a Blueprint of what it needs to done, to combat this menace and win over it; legal mandate, technological wherewithal, plugging in expertise gaps, inter-agency collaboration, intelligence garnering / sharing, to put the telcos and commercial banks on a leash, having a dynamic database in palace, blacklisting and whitelisting depending on the requirements. We need to start somewhere immediately. Time is running out.

Sanjay Sahay

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