Daily Post 3000

Knowledge has a tag. Knowledge for knowledge’s sake does not work in this world. Knowledge for broadening your mental horizon and documenting it in a very unconventional manner with an aim to benefit others is not running thought process of our nation in particular and the world in general. While the availability of knowledge has increased manifold and its access simplest in known human history, we have put shackles on it in a variety of ways. The biggest shackle is the mental frame by which we approach knowledge, what you require, how much you require and in which manner you require. You might be totally off the mark, and you generally are.

What do we mean by knowledge has a tag? It can be your exam results in school, or the board exams at the end of school. It can be an undergrad or post grad degree and beyond. Marks are supposed to reflect your knowledge and curriculum your knowledge world. If you get into the wider world of competitions, again some organization will be doing the same thing to you, albeit to a much lesser degree. Then there are certifications to prove your extra merit and become your value add. Lecturers and professors prove their worth by research work, doing it or guiding it, ending up in a paper / thesis. The professional world relies on that. Knowledge has exploded, requirements imploded, but we have decided to live and sustain a knowledge degraded world.

Daily Post at 3000, is a different knowledge tool, relevant beyond time and space. 3000 days, 3000 topics and 3000 posts. Every consecutive day since 26th of Sept 2016, now in its 9th year. I have forgotten what life was before I started writing Daily Post. It’s my daily routine. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge and expertise is slowly becoming the game changer. It would be a standard knowledge mode with Artificial Intelligence now not at our gate but knocking at the study, continuously. Around 15 lakh words in the Daily Post repository is different and innovative knowledge, which is structured, stored, easy to access and use. is there for your ready reference. If AI is used it can nearly instantaneously churn out at least 30 books.

The output we all know, the four-para format, covering any topic comprehensively, with a relevant and catchy title and a punch line to end and boast of. The template is one of its strengths. At least ten thousand punch lines can be culled out of it, each a pearl of wisdom, so to say. Every post can become a research problem statement. What would have gone behind creating this 15-lakh word, 3000 topic repository, we leave it to the reader’s imagination: the reading, the assimilation, the capability of expression, the practice – its success, failures and tribulations, study visits, endless discussion with experts, men of letters and practitioners. Stop, give it a thought, what humongous effort has gone in making Daily Post as it stands today. A life dedicated. Knowledge unbound is nothing but penance, of which I am a humble practitioner. Sincere thanks dear readers for having been a part of my 3000 day long journey so far, which surges ahead with the same vigor with which it started.

Sanjay Sahay


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