Unbridled Powers, Democratically Yours


DailyPost 2914

Full-fledged robust democracy matured for over seven decades, supposedly withstood the test of time, and moving confidently to find its place in the sun is India. Somehow the ruling class; political, bureaucratic or otherwise to their luck have stumbled across a goldmine of unbridled powers or have they neatly calibrated and created without no one even knowing of it, till the time they got engulfed in it. All this has been done in a purely democratic manner, the physical semblances of democracy we believe in, rest of it has no consequence. So, we have created democratic conventions and traditions, which are antithetical to democracy itself.

It does not end here. The unbridled powers go hand in hand with near total unaccountability. Once you are able to win elections; by hook or crook, money power, muscle power or glitz social media campaign or a combination of it all, with caste / religion propelling it, you move into a rarefied atmosphere, in the zone of not to be questioned. All the unbridled powers / sins are washed off by the vote in their favour is the democratic tradition we have created. Time and again people have felt that they are provided the golden noose by the majority they have provided in the elections.

While this is the case with nearly all political parties and governments, we for the current purposes of understanding restrict to West Bengal in the context of the rape and murder of the young medico at RG Kar Medical College & Hospital. Who is responsible for bringing the healthcare institutions management to this pathetic situation? Who has been responsible for making the Principal a monster? Rampant corruption and all conceivable and inconceivable irregularities went on happening for years and decades together. Who all have provided the strength for this audacious behaviour?

All postings are political is no brainer. The resident doctors were harassed in the institution they work and study, leaving aside the lack of basic human physical amenities, yet nobody had the courage to raise a voice. Coming to the case that created national concern, it has been established the way investigation has been botched up. The role of the college management, police, health dept and all other concerned is very conspicuous. The whole show is run by the Chief Minister, the CEO of the state. The audacity of the ruling political class was visible on the TV shows and surreptitiously all across the public domain. What a pity of our democracy that the doctors were forced to talk of the same person, who reigns over the evil kingdom broadly at her terms and conditions. Nothing has changed, nothing possibly will. Few heads doing musical chairs at the end of it, is a mockery of all that the resident doctors have fought for. Justice and security both remain elusive.

Sanjay Sahay

Have a nice evening.

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