DailyPost 248


With best of resources, both human & otherwise, the pace & quality of deliverables is completely dependent on the work culture of the organisation. Work culture in day to day terms transforms into the  working atmosphere  which we all, as employees would like to be one of  excellence based on fairness, appreciation, growth orientation & strict focus on deliverables.  Empathy happens to be the core value & managers liberally endowed with  emotional intelligence  as one their core values, should only make to the top.

 The friction in our day to day professional work emanates from the lack of this value  & an urge to get into cut throat competition & be successful, whatever might be the human cost & the prospects of the company in the long run.  Work Culture Audit  is still an unknown element in most of our companies & is thought to be fanciful to the extent, that it is presumed to as no value. In reality, this is the  only value the company has,  to attract human  & other resources & keep the company on a  rock solid growth trajectory.

Lots of companies have pioneered in this game, yielding bountiful gains & a reputation, generally unaffected by numbers. Google is a great example, HP earlier & host of other companies who have to the Build to Last list.  Responsibility & accountability is self generating rather than dictatorial  as in the case of most of the companies & lots of governmental organizations as well.

We live in an age of creativity & innovation, which finds a fertile ground in the nature of companies described above rather than in companies in the  feudal mode.  Such work culture also provides the companies the capability to look into future, where companies are getting closed at the fall of hat. The infamous  Kodak Moment  seems to the ultimate fate of lots our companies.

 Excellence based sustainability can only propel in a congenial work culture.  Nothing else matters.


    Sanjay Sahay

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