DailyPost 556
In the recently concluded World Economic Forum at Davos, the general tenor of the discussions was towards the impetus Big Data would provide to Artificial Intelligence. Whosoever has stockpile data would be the front runner. Between China & US, China is the likely owner because of Govt. owned huge databases. The world over Data & Analytics is the combination of two powerful computing trends in the government. Because of Govt’s humungous operations beginning of amassing huge amounts data is already conspicuous. It is known fact now that using algorithms in analytics software to make more informed decisions.
There is a pile up of data is not being put to useful & imaginative usage thus called Data Tomb. Data is of two types transient & latent. What we mainly use today is transient data to notice spikes & downward trend in any activity finally creating bar diagrams and pie charts.
Contrary to this, latent data can be used for immense high end & imaginative uses. The understanding of the nature of data owned & a creative domain & data tools perception delivers. This is being practiced the IT biggies the world over, from sentiments to commerce. We live in a data driven world and we ought to have a Big Data Mindset. That is the beginning of the journey to direct the creation and usage of data; the Machine & Artificial Intelligence Way.
Huge amount of data by way of national crime records, neatly structured to detail, if tapped properly with a Big Data Mindset can deliver clustering, correlation & prediction, which we would not have imagined. It can usher in an age of totally data driven policing easier to visualise outcomes. For sure, informed decision making would become the order of the day. Public domain crime data can lead to me useful apps. On the presently owned Govt. data can make immense difference to Transportation, Healthcare, Education, Agriculture & certainly in Poverty alleviation, if we go the Big Data Way.
Sanjay Sahay