DailyPost 908
Remember reading a ”Key’ for my Political Science subsidiary paper in college and was aghast to see the examples of State being given as State Bank of India, State Bank of Patiala etc and rest of the book was also of the same quality. Today somebody in a public event was messing up with basic concepts of machine learning, deep learning and Artificial Intelligence. From the early 1980s to now reading secondary and tertiary reading material with even source unknown seems to have become the order of the day. Those days at least the name and publisher of the copy cat fake writers promising you give enough material to pass was printed.
In the Information Age, everybody banks on the shortest version of the material to reach their desired goal with least amount of effort. There was apps and websites doing a business out to giving the summary of a book. People manage doing without reading the book with book reviews that also by unknown literary critics. Everybody has become a writer, thinker and pushes his stuff on the net, which is becoming full with unauthenticated information / data. To the uninitiated, he would even be difficult to find out whether the data is true.
The capability to search the authentic material is the first task / skill of any student, scholar or a professional. If you don’t go through this route, your interest in the original material is non-existent, can be a safe conclusion. Which precisely means, that even if your provided quality reading material, you would always look for substandard, non-usable content and camouflage it as authentic. This is the natural inclination of such persons. One plagiarism software run on projects / dissertation etc cannot bring down this trend, teaching the original and making it read can only change the situation.
Courses are conducted on ppts. Knowledge is created by people who are farthest from it. Original textbook, documents, reports, research articles, dissertation etc should be decided and made to be grilled into the minds of students/ scholars / professionals. Reading originals can make you an original. You will also develop an original thinking, an individuality, capability to stand on your own feet as a scholar or a professional and not keep looking at somebody’s face for approval. This can be the only beginning of becoming a professional.
Sanjay Sahay